Find the Bike Park

Address :
Impasse de la Foret, Chamouny MU, 61301, Maurice

Mo’Bike is located in the south of Mauritius, near the village of Chamouny. The Bike Park is nestled in the heart of St Félix former Sugar Estate. The entrance is located in Chamouny on the B102. A sign clearly indicates the entrance to the estate. Go through a white gate and follow the access road for around 2 km. You will then reach a parking area on your right. Signs indicate the route to follow as the road curves through the sugar estate.

This is an operating farm, so you may come across some farm vehicles, so please watch your speed.

The Bike Park is 50 minutes from Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam airport, 1h30 hours from Grand Bay, 55 minutes from Tamarin and 35 minutes from Curepipe.